a blog about american girl dolls by skye, a whovian {google it} and potterphile that loves cheesecake. how simple can it get?


November 27, 2011

EPPPPP! Oh my gosh. :O

Hello everyone. Today, I'm going to tell you a story.

So I'm on chenpanhome's channel to check out a few Uncharted episodes. As I scroll down the video bar, I see a playlist of her favorite videos. I take a glance, and see that she favorited one of my videos! She favorited my tutorial on how to make spectrespecs for dolls. I didn't even know she was aware I existed!

So Emmalee, if you're reading this, thanks immensely! And I'm really glad to know that you've been informed of my existence on this planet.

Okay, well that wasn't exactly a story, but it was actually more like a dream come true. :) Whatever, I'm super excited and that's all that really matters (I sound so conceded >.<). Once again, thanks so much, Emmalee!

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