a blog about american girl dolls by skye, a whovian {google it} and potterphile that loves cheesecake. how simple can it get?



We have gotten tons of questions, here are the answers to the most popular ones.

Q: What do you use to edit your pictures & videos?
A: For pictures, I usually use Photoshop CS3, a photo-editing software, which is quite pricey. I also use Picnik for quicker photo-editing.

Q: What camera do you use?
A: I use a Fujifilm Finepix Z5fd (in a maroon-ish berry color :D), which yes, I do recommend.

Q: How many dolls do you have?
A: I have two, Ellie Rose Holland, a MAG #28, whom I ordered the day after Christmas last year, and arrived in January and Olivia Luna Lovegood, a GOTY 2010, whom I won off of eBay for around $60. She arrived on June 18 of this year.

Q: Sub for sub? Sub me? I subbed, sub back?
A:  Sorry, but no. I usually subscribe people that I think make great videos and capture lovely photography.