a blog about american girl dolls by skye, a whovian {google it} and potterphile that loves cheesecake. how simple can it get?



Here are a few videos that I've posted on YouTube recently. Enjoy my videos? Click HERE to check out my YouTube channel!

How to Make a Banana Split for Your American Girl Doll

So this is a tutorial on how to make a banana split for your American Girl Doll out of some polymer clay and a few other supplies.

Opening Kanani's Lounge Chair Set & More!

Here is a video of me opening Kanani's Lounge Chair Set and an American Girl gift card for my birthday. As you can probably tell, I'm quite excited!

How to Make Earrings for Your American Girl Dolls

Here's a how-to on crafting earrings for your American Girl Dolls out of ribbon, beads, and paperclips.