a blog about american girl dolls by skye, a whovian {google it} and potterphile that loves cheesecake. how simple can it get?


October 13, 2012

Blog-gy Stuff!

Have you ever felt like you should be doing something more productive than what you're doing right now? I have. I mean, it's a Saturday morning. What are you even supposed to do on Saturday mornings? I know, I know. I should be working on the biography I have yet to read, or maybe the article for the school newspaper I have yet to write.
But here I am, writing on my blog.
Well I haven't posted in the longest time, and whether you watch my YouTube videos or not, I hope this post will be entertaining. Or interesting. Or maybe even helpful. So I'll be trying to jam-pack everything I can into this one post. Hip hip hooray.
So number one. I'll probably change the layout/design of this website. I don't know, it just seems too crammed and I've also gotten a bit tired of the background.
Number two. I almost have THREE. HUNDRED. FIFTY. subscribers on my YouTube channel, 347 currently. I would be absolutely ecstatic if I could reach my year's goal of 350! Here is a link to my YouTube channel, if you want to check that out. I don't post that much anymore, but I really would like  to. I'm hoping I'll have enough time this weekend to film a new baking stopmotion, as suggested by izzydog158.
Number three. Cupcakes. Robots. Olivia (aka Olivia's blog) is kind of dead, and I've decided not to use it anymore. I don't know, it might come back, but it just wasn't really going anywhere, and besides, I don't think anyone really liked it all that much. :P Although, good news -- I did decide to create a new blog called the dolls have the phonebox. It has different characters, for example Olivia plays a girl called Elune Sinclaire. That was just so that the blog wouldn't be the exact same thing CRO was, and also so that I could have some more fun writing about it. (So basically, TDHTP is about a girl named Elune, but it's just for the sake of the blog. The doll's actual name is Olivia.)
And now on over to number four. I've been extremely.extremely.extremely. busy at school! I have a lot of homework everyday, and also am part of the journalism club, so that's one reason I don't have much time to make videos or post or whatever.
Alriiight. Number five already. Woohoo! Okay, so lastly, I wanted to talk about the Christmas AnGels videos. It's a project by Ali, girloftheyearstudios, where Ali uses the money gained from her YouTube partnership to donate dolls to underprivileged girls!
Here's the links to the four adorable videos she made.
Hungry but Not Hopeless
Charlie Clause
Thank You Class
Once in a Lifetime
Just by sharing them and watch them, you can help sponsor the project without having to donate any money! YAY! :D Feel good without having to actually use any of your money. If you would like to donate, however, she has a feature on her blog where you can donate money to help.

Well..that's all! BYE! :D

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